Getting Personal

Today marks 2 months since I quit eating refined sugar, and I wanted to share some of the benefits I have experienced. I will start with the obvious changes, although they are definitely not the most profound, I have released 19 pounds since July 15th. I expected to see weight coming off, and it has happened more quickly than I anticipated. It has been a fantastic and motivating side effect. I was already exercising and eating well in the first picture, quitting sugar was the only big change in that regard.

imageThe picture on the left was taken August 1st and the right is today. Elijah took both of them in my fabulously lit bathroom.

The bigger physical benefits have been an increase in energy, better sleep, mental clarity, and I am slower to anger. I am far more thankful for these physical blessings, and they were more than I had hoped for. I also have felt increased peace and clarity in my spiritual life. I feel more inspired and joyful everyday. I am a better woman, mother, wife, and friend. The sacrifice pales in comparison to  the blessings and benefits I am receiving.

Go boldly forward, and do your hard thing. It’s worth it.

4 thoughts on “Getting Personal

  1. Thank you for posting this! You’re gorgeous before and after. You seem so much lighter in the second picture, and not just physically. I love you.


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